Vaping Dangers for Teenagers: US Teenager's Habit Caused Lung Collapse 4 Times

In recent years, the rise of vaping among teenagers has caused concern among health professionals due to its harmful effects. A new report in the New York Post has shed light on the story of Draven Hatfield, a teenager from the United States whose vaping addiction caused his lungs to collapse four times, ultimately requiring surgery to fix the issue.

Why did Draven Hatfield start vaping?

According to Mr Hatfield, he started vaping when he was 13 because he thought it was a “neat trend”. At first, he used disposable vape pens twice or thrice a week, but he soon became addicted to the habit. Despite being warned by his family and friends about the dangers of vaping, he continued to use e-cigarettes.

What happened to Draven Hatfield?

Mr Hatfield’s vaping habit eventually caused him to experience severe chest pains and cramps in October 2021, leading to his hospitalization. The teenager was diagnosed with spontaneous pneumothorax, which is a collapsed lung caused by air being trapped between the lung and the chest wall. He was informed by doctors that he appeared to have smoked three packs a day for more than 30 years, despite only being a teenager.

What did Draven Hatfield do after his lung collapsed for the first time?

After his first collapsed lung, Mr Hatfield did not initially connect it to his habit of vaping. He returned to work as a construction contractor but suffered a similar issue the following week. It wasn’t until his lung collapsed for the third time that he contacted an expert and decided to stop vaping.

What happened after Mr Hatfield stopped vaping?

Despite Mr Hatfield’s decision to stop vaping, his lungs collapsed for the fourth time, and he had to undergo surgery to fix the issue. The surgery involved “attaching the wall of ribs” to prevent his lungs from collapsing again in the future.

The dangers of vaping

Draven Hatfield’s story serves as a cautionary tale for teenagers who are considering vaping. Vaping may seem like a “neat trend,” but it can cause severe harm to the body, particularly the lungs. The use of e-cigarettes has been linked to a range of health issues, including lung damage, nicotine addiction, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Furthermore, the addictive nature of e-cigarettes can lead to teenagers becoming dependent on the habit, as was the case with Mr Hatfield. It’s important for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to educate teenagers about the dangers of vaping and to provide them with the resources they need to quit if they’ve already started.


Draven Hatfield’s experience highlights the potential dangers of vaping, particularly among teenagers. The rise of e-cigarettes among young people is a cause for concern among health professionals, and it’s essential that we take steps to prevent further harm. Through education and support, we can help teenagers make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.


  • Can vaping really cause a collapsed lung?
    Yes, vaping can cause a collapsed lung, particularly among heavy users or those who are already susceptible to lung issues.

  • What are some other health issues associated with vaping?
    The use of e-cigarettes has been linked to lung damage, nicotine addiction, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • How can I talk to my teenager about the dangers of vaping?
    It’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your teenager about the risks of vaping. You can provide them with resources and support to help them quit if they’ve already started.

  • Is it possible to reverse the damage caused by vaping?
    In some cases, the damage caused by vaping can be reversed, particularly if the habit is stopped early on. However, if the damage is severe or long-term, it may not be reversible.

  • Are there any safe alternatives to vaping for teenagers?
    No smoking or vaping is considered safe for teenagers. It’s important for teenagers to prioritize their health and avoid habits that can cause harm to their bodies.